german colonization of africa

german colonization of africa

Although unfortunately it does not include a bibliography, it is an excellent first point of call for scholars wanting to do further research in this area. Anyone working with German colonial statistics has come across frustrating blanks such as this, but one wonders whether it is wise to give quite so much attention to these numbers in Part II, given their unreliability. [79] Those experiments included sterilization, injection of smallpox, typhus as well as tuberculosis. Nevertheless, the author does draw considerable insights from this evidence. The first Tanganyikans were not taken in until the 1950s.35 Therefore this study only includes eight missionaries who came from the United States and eleven born in Tanganyika. One of the author’s most provocative claims is that the colonial public health struggle was an essentially modern one; with the ‘focus on disciplining the population through surveillance and normalization … modern medicine sought to transform society and define who belonged in the nation-state and who did not according to the authority of scientific knowledge’.4 He thus works not only within a Foucauldian framework, but picks up on the idea of colonial space being a ‘laboratory of modernity’, a space where technological, racial, social and medical innovations could be tested out on a subservient population before being applied to the metropole.5 Walther pushes this thesis further, considering the colonies not as a testing ground, but as a place where doctors could apply knowledge and understanding.6 This is an important qualification to make and has further implications for how historians see the nature of knowledge transfer between colony and metropole. Conclusion On Effects Of Colonialism In Africa – Positives & Negatives. German East Africa(GEA) was a German colony in the African Great Lakes region, which included present-day Burundi, Rwanda, and the mainland part of Tanzania. Kuss argues that each of these three theatres of war used different kinds of violence, including the ‘random violence’ of punitive exhibitions in the China campaign (a coalition war); the carefully planned military strategy that spiralled out of control and turned genocidal in German South West Africa; and the scorched earth policy in German East Africa. Over the years, historians have found that missionary archives can reveal a plethora of information about German colonialism and transnational networks. German South West Africa, German Deutsch-Südwestafrika, a former German colony (1884–1919) that is now the nation of Namibia, in southwestern Africa. Belgium's King Leopold, meanwhile seized the Congo, and France claimed control of West Africa. [32] Heinrich Schnee in East Africa proclaimed that "the dominant feature of my administration [will be] ... the welfare of the natives entrusted into my care. German Samoa was assigned to New Zealand; German New Guinea, the Bismarck Archipelago and Nauru[54] went to Australia as mandates. The book is divided into eight chapters. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs licence (, Trade, Politics, and Revolution: South Carolina and Britain’s Atlantic Commerce, 1730–1790, by Huw David, Confessional Mobility and English Catholics in Counter-Reformation Europe, by Liesbeth Corens, The Game of Love in Georgian England: Courtship, Emotions, and Material Culture, by Sally Holloway, From Slaves to Prisoners of War: The Ottoman Empire, Russia, and International Law, by Will Smiley, Music in the West Country: Social and Cultural History Across an English Region, by Stephen Banfield,,, Receive exclusive offers and updates from Oxford Academic. Gemeaux (de), Christine,(dir., présentation et conclusion): "Empires et colonies. Further information from ego-documents rather than military directives might help historians overcome this divide and work toward a more sustained analysis of the actual experience of these conflicts, as Kuss sets out to do in the introduction. 7–8). Weltkrieg in Deutsch-Südwestafrika 1914/15", Band 1, 2. South Africa's J.C. Smuts, now in Britain's small War Cabinet, spoke of German schemes for world power, militarisation and exploitation of resources, indicating Germany threatened western civilisation itself. B. Madley, ‘From Africa to Auschwitz: How German South-West Africa Incubated Ideas and Methods Adopted and Developed by the Nazis in Eastern Europe’, European History Quarterly, xxxiii (2005), pp. While the African colonies were too isolated and not suitable for mass settlement of Germans, areas in Central and Eastern Europe offered better potential for German settlement. The Germans used forced labor and harsh punishment to keep the Africans in line. U. Lindner, Koloniale Begegnungen: Deutschland und Großbritannien als Imperialmächte in Afrika, 1880–1914 (Frankfurt am Main, 2011); J.-U. Weltkrieg in Deutsch-Südwestafrika 1914/15", Band 5, "Aufgabe der Küste", Windhoek 2016. The Ger­man coloni­sa­tion of Africa took place dur­ing two dis­tinct pe­ri­ods. The approach further substantiates claims for the continuity of colonial-era relations between Germany and its colonies into the inter-war period and beyond. 876 (December 2009), pp. The study focuses on the ways in which the German colonial government exerted authority and power through biopolitics rather than, for example, the military or the police, with particular attention to both the extent and the limitations of this power.1 Focusing on the management of venereal disease in the German colonies, Walther shows the ways in which colonial authorities targeted the bodies of German military men and, ultimately, female prostitutes in their attempt to control public health. Germany seemed destined to play catch-up. While writing on colonization in Africa, it is evident that in this period binderies were drawn and walls were built in the mind of Africans as regarding many factors that come into play and what they know before and what they learned during this era. [45] Anglo-German colonial issues in the decade before 1914 were minor and both empires, the British and German, took conciliatory attitudes. By 1916 only in remote jungle regions in East Africa did the German forces hold out. Well, in 1990 the German colony of South Western Africa became announced to be called Namibia. Richard Weikart, "The Origins of Social Darwinism in Germany, 1859-1895. [43], In the years before the outbreak of the World War, British colonial officers viewed the Germans as deficient in "colonial aptitude", but "whose colonial administration was nevertheless superior to those of the other European states". [39] Whatever the Germans constructed in their colonies was made to last. She challenges a new generation of historians who argue for continuity between German colonial wars and the Holocaust, and builds on Isabel Hull’s findings on the tendency of German military culture to swift recourse to violence and ‘radical’ solutions.40. [70], The German colonial population numbered 5,125 in 1903, and about 23,500 in 1913. Due to the pandemic, its inauguration was held online with many of the experts from all over the world attending via video link. It continues to exist, with members of the congregation in Germany and Switzerland, but also in Tanzania, Togo, Namibia, the United States and the Philippines, among other locations. To fight it in Germany doctors used biopolitics to educate and regulate the bodies of likely victims. [24] The author Charles Miller offers the theory that the Germans had the handicap of trying to colonize African areas inhabited by aggressive tribes,[25] whereas their colonial neighbours had more docile peoples to contend with. This geographical imbalance is further visible in the individual biographies of six missionaries in Chapter Six: four are Europeans, one American and only one Tanganyikan. It would also have been interesting to know more about the women who were associated with the mission. Wehler, Das deutsche Kaiserreich, 1871–1918 (Göttingen, 1973); A. Césaire, Discours sur le colonialisme (Paris, 1955); H. Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism (New York, 1966); R. Gerwarth and S. Malinowski, ‘Hannah Arendt’s Ghost: Reflections on the Disputable Path from Windhoek to Auschwitz’, Central European History, xlii (2009), pp. Smuts' warnings were repeated in the press. Published by Oxford University Press. German Language and Architecture in the Former German Colonies of Sub-Saharan Africa *** Although Germany lost possession of its African colonies in 1918, traces of the German language and architecture remain there to this day. In stark contrast with French and English, both of which are widely spoken across the continent by those of both African and European ancestry, the German language is not a significant language in Africa even within former colonies—although it is spoken by a significant minority of the population of Namibia. Weltkrieg in Deutsch-Südwestafrika 1914/15", Band 3, "Kämpfe im Süden", Windhoek 2014, Historicus Africanus: "Der 1. Dernburg, as a former banker, facilitated such thinking; he saw his commission to also turn the colonies into paying propositions. The Hanseatic republics of Hamburg and Bremen sent traders across the globe. Short-lived attempts of colonization by individual German states had occurred in preceding centuries, but crucial colonial efforts only began in 1884 with the Scramble for Africa. This problem is, of course, compounded by the fact that only the reported cases are listed. [51], In Africa, the United Kingdom and France divided German Kamerun (Cameroons) and Togoland. "[22], As Bismarck was converted to the colonial idea by 1884, he favored "chartered company" land management rather than establishment of colonial government due to financial considerations. Part I (‘Male Sexuality and Prostitution in the Overseas Territories’) is a broad outline of sexuality and prostitution in the colonies written in a way that renders the book accessible to the non-expert while still engaging those more versed in the field of German colonial history. Kuss engages in a systematic explanation of the battle at the Waterberg plateau, focusing not just on the infamous ‘extermination order’, as many non-military historians are wont to do, but explaining the contingent factors, including the rather desperate military situation of the Germans at Hamakari up to that point. As a latecomer in the struggle for colonies, Germany had to settle for four territories, called “protectorates,” in Africa: Togo and Cameroon in the west, German Southwest Africa (today’s Namibia), and German East Africa (today’s Tanzania, Rwanda, and Burundi) in the east. "The German Colonial Empire, 1884–1918", Henderson, W. O. Belgium gained Ruanda-Urundi in northwestern German East Africa, the United Kingdom obtained by far the greater landmass of this colony, thus gaining the "missing link" in the chain of British possessions stretching from South Africa to Egypt (Cape to Cairo), and Portugal received the Kionga Triangle, a sliver of German East Africa. Like Walther, Egger also considers both the colonial and metropolitan aspects of the organisation together.25 However, whereas Walther puts relatively more weight on the colonial theatre, Egger seeks primarily to trace the effects that these missionary encounters abroad had on a German population at home. List of former German colonies § German imperial colonies, Diese deutschen Wörter kennt man noch in der Südsee, von Matthias Heine, "Germany returns skulls from colonial-era massacre to Namibia", "New Zealand goes to war: The Capture of German Samoa", "Germans return skulls to Namibia. Germany cooperates economically and culturally with many countries in Africa and Asia, independent of colonial history. [72], After World War I, the military and "undesired persons" were expelled from the German protectorates. [85] Furthermore, the wide acceptance among intellectuals of social Darwinism justified Germany's right to acquire colonial territories as a matter of the ‘survival of the fittest’, according to historian Michael Schubert. The actual material that may contribute to an understanding of African agency is limited to a few tantalising glimpses rather than a sustained analysis. "[29] However, Togoland saw its own share of bloodshed. Throughout the work, the author also recognises the complicated relationship between missionary and (neo-)colonial ideals. Germany was also active in the Pacific, annexing a series of islands that would be called German New Guinea (part of present-day New Guinea and several nearby Island groups). A number of lobbying groups formed after the unification, including the West German Society for Colonization and Export (1881) and the Central Association for Commercial Geography and the Promotion of German Interests Abroad (1878). The final chapter places these biographies within their transnational relationships and networks, through the lens of three transnational ‘spaces’: missionary associations, publications, and the mission-built churches and museum in St Ottilien. It includes detailed statistical information and further data concerning white Europeans (chs. "[47], Once war was declared in late July 1914 Britain and its allies promptly moved against the colonies. The book is not a systematic study in comparative history; several examples from the British context are instead woven into the discussion at choice moments in order to put the German case into perspective. And yet one is left wondering whether there was more than just a one-way knowledge transfer from Germany to the colonies—whether the two were even more entangled than the analysis suggests. "German Colonialism and the Age of Global Empires.". By 1900 much of Africa had been colonized by seven European powers—Britain, France, Germany, Belgium, Spain, Portugal, and Italy. Due to its dry conditions Namibia’s population was forced to adapt to its environmental situation. Entrenched incompetents were screened out and summarily removed from office and "not a few had to stand trial. Historians have shown that the impact of the war in South West Africa continued to resonate in popular and political culture well through the Weimar period, and Kuss herself considers politics to be an important contingent factor in the conflicts she analyses. In eastern Africa the imperialist and "man-of-action" Karl Peters accumulated vast tracts of land for his colonization group, "emerging from the bush with X-marks [affixed by unlettered tribal chiefs] on documents ... for some 60 thousand square miles of the Zanzibar Sultanate’s mainland property. 833–58. Towards the end of the 19 th century European countries such as England, France, Spain, Germany, Belgium, and Italy began colonizing Africa which became known as “The Scramble for Africa”. Credo Online. Closer scrutiny of these tables, however, shows a patchiness of data that is only briefly reflected on in the text.17 The gaps in the data become particularly apparent when looking at Table 6, showing venereal diseases in German South West Africa from 1902/03 to 1911/12, where statistics are missing for half the years. It provides more detail on the actual treatment of those infected by venereal disease, and the increasingly coercive measures use to control them. The most fascinating and analytical chapter, in this reader’s opinion, is Chapter Five, a collective biography of missionary workers in Tanganyika. Some historians of German colonialism may already be familiar with these sources, but they offer further useful context, together with some new insights from, for example, French perspectives. The history of external colonisation of Africa can be divided into two stages: Classical antiquity and European colonialism. [2] The German Colonial Empire encompassed parts of several African countries, including parts of present-day Burundi, Rwanda, Tanzania, Namibia, Cameroon, Gabon, Congo, Central African Republic, Chad, Nigeria, Togo, Ghana, New Guinea, and numerous other West Pacific / Micronesian islands. Indeed, following the work of James Scott and Detlev Peukert, he argues for interpreting indigenous patients’ compliance and/or non-compliance as part of a spectrum between ‘complicity’ and ‘resistance’.8, The book begins with a useful short chapter introducing the reader to the most salient features of the campaign against venereal disease in late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century Germany. Egger, Transnationale Biographien, p. 59. Indeed, the combination of cultural and military history works particularly well in this analysis to help readers understand the attitudes that soldiers brought with them to the colonial arena. In nearly all African countries today, the language […] In the years 1884 and 1885, the Berlin Conference formalized European colonization of Africa. Weltkrieg in Deutsch-Südwestafrika 1914/15", Band 4, "Der Süden ist verloren", Windhoek 2015, ISBN. Public opinion eventually arrived at an understanding that prestigious African and Pacific colonies went hand-in-hand with dreams of a High Seas Fleet. In 1883 Franz Adolf Lüderitz, a merchant from Bremen, Germany, established a trading post in southwest Africa at … This vast area was both heavily arid with two deserts, the Namib and the Kalahari, as well as being rich in natural resources such as copper, gold, diamonds, uranium and lead. Perraudin, Michael, and Jürgen Zimmerer, eds. It also includes some original research, for example, on the nature of conflict from diary entries and previously neglected sources, including a letter relating to the Herero–Nama War. [81] [68] Only Togoland and German Samoa became profitable and self-sufficient; the balance sheet for the colonies as a whole revealed a fiscal net loss for the empire. Since 2013, the activist group No Humboldt 21 has been protesting against an uncritical incorporation of ethnographic collections dating from colonial times into the planned Humboldt Forum in central Berlin. The collective biography reveals some unsurprising commonalities in the missionaries’ backgrounds: European missionaries were overwhelmingly from small, rural communities, from large, hard-working agrarian or small trade families, who in turn also learned a trade or received further education in a technical college. [35] Political and economic subjugation of Herero and Nama was envisioned. Although slavery was partially outlawed in 1905 by Germany, this caused a great deal of resentment and led eventually to revolts by the native population[further explanation needed]. Yet both authors have taken important steps in putting the South West African situation into perspective to an extent that has not been achieved by previous scholars. Stoler and F. Cooper, ‘Between Metropole and Colony: Rethinking a Research Agenda’, in eid., eds., Tensions of Empire: Colonial Cultures in a Bourgeois World (Berkeley, CA, 1997). 33 percent to France, and 25 percent to Belgium. Part I includes a description of each conflict, where the reader learns a great deal about the specific nature of, and outlets for, military violence. 30: 195-211. South Western Africa was a German colony from 1884 until 1915. Overall, whereas Hull focuses on the military as an institution, Kuss focuses on space. Human Rights Review 9.3 (2008): 331-360. Unified in the early 1870s, the chancellor of this time period was Otto von Bismarck. Reimann-Dawe, Tracey. Auflage Windhoek 2012. Readers learn, for example, that German doctors attributed the spread of syphilis above all to unmarried white working-class men, although they also blamed Arab and Muslim populations in the African colonies, as well as Japanese and Chinese people in the Pacific territories. However, a few colonial military units held out in remote areas for a while longer: German South West Africa surrendered in 1915, Kamerun in 1916 and German East Africa in 1918. And in 2016–17 the German Historical Museum in Berlin staged a major exhibition on German colonialism that was attended by over 100,000 visitors. A number of nationalities existed in the te… ", Richard Weikart, "Progress through racial extermination: Social Darwinism, eugenics, and pacifism in Germany, 1860-1918. However, Catholic missions have remained relatively untouched by scholarship. 29–46. Hermann Detzner and one Captain Nugent, R.A., had charge of a joint project to demarcate the British and German frontiers of Cameroon, which was published in 1913. For example, during the Boxer War, American officials condemned the conduct of German punitive expeditions, and their own forces refrained from razing villages. But we also learn about the struggles of Tanganyikan-born missionaries; for example, Brother Bonaventura Malibiche’s (failed) efforts to erect a cloister exclusively for black padres and brothers in the mid-1950s. For example, European missionaries were influenced by a desire to be a monk and missionary, but also by ‘romantic ideas of an exciting life in far-off Africa’, as well as desire for social improvement and security.31 The mission’s founder, Father Andreas Amrhein, was impressed by the display of non-European artefacts at the Paris World’s Fair when laying out plans for his missionary work.32 This suggests that understanding of the mission cannot be extracted from the politics and popularisation of empire, though Egger might have made more of this aspect through some more critical discourse analysis of the missionaries’ own statements. [27] Travelers and newspaper reporters brought back stories of black and brown natives serving German managers and settlers. Bantu (Togoland and Cameroon). [75] Exposés followed in the print media throughout Germany of the Herero rebellions in 1904 in German South-West Africa (Namibia today) where in military interventions between 50% to 70% of the Herero population perished, known as the Herero and Namaqua Genocide. : https: // Ad-free videos, injection of smallpox, typhus as as. A diachronic analysis of those contingent factors in military decision-making around these three conflicts tribes... And were positively influenced from German colonization became the German colonies and the Third Reich '' powder kegs this! Her African and Pacific colonies went hand-in-hand with dreams of a `` model.... Supported by its own troops, who used intimidation to cow the.. ’ s colonies in Africa, which are included in a few had work!, France, and eye and hair examinations Bavaria and spreading the Catholic faith German. 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